
Three varieties, total area of  10 hectares

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Fruits large, oblong, dark blue, covered with intense waxy peel. The pulp is greenish yellow, firm, juicy, extremely aromatic and sweet. Stone separates quite good, but not completely from pulp. The fruits are gathered in the first half of October and can be held longer on the tree.


It produces medium-sized, typical Hungarian, blue-green, intense waxed, yellow, compact, very tasty and aromatic pulp, easily removed from the stone. Fruits are excellent for long transport. It is a self-sufficient variety both for dessert and for processing. Taste is good, similar to home plum but with less acidity.

Purple plum

Fruits of medium size, oval or ovate, tapering down, with rather long peduncles. The brownish-purple skin, covered with whitish and fine brown spots, strongly adheres to the pulp, which is yellowish yellow or greenish yellow, compact, cartilage, medium juicy. Fruits are good for transport. A variation valued by consumers and the processing industry due to the wide use of fruit. It is good for consumption in the fresh state, but also suitable for drying, for plum jam and for slivovitz (plum brandy).